Sketch by J Chevallier
Food was every Fepow’s prime concern and achieving ‘Leggies’ was that little bit extra every Fepow craved for.
This is the little bit extra.
These are extracts are taken from the list and Message Board with Leggies added.
Please use headings which explain the topic covered, or look back and add to a topic already used, this helps considerably in collating the pages.
Some of the topics last month were very long and required splitting like ‘Repatriation and Consequences’, this was split into two topics, ‘Treatment and Consequences’ and ‘Repatriation’.
The ‘Book’ and ‘Web Sites’ folders will be added each month.
If a topic carries into the next month, it will be added as ‘Continued’ to the bottom of the main menu.

Fepow Group
Why not share information with others using the Fepow Group
The old Fepow list served it’s purpose for two years, but as with anything nowadays, time moves on.
The Fepow Group, users Yahoo as its server and from experience in using the Royal Navy Group list, it is very easy to use.
There is a facility of talking live to others in the Chat Room, this can be Live Voice Chat if you have a microphone attached to your computer. Listen to others and you might find you would like to participate, sharing stories and helping others.
Webmasters - To include the Fepow Group within your web site, please click here
The email below has been forwarded on for John Wright, please read.
"I am a freelance writer doing features about POWs in Far east for UK/Irish papers and mags. I'd like to make contact with ex-POWs or any family members to talk about their experiences.
Contact me on either email: tasmanianteddies@mail.com
Or by post: PO Box 451, Sandy Bay, Tas 7006, Australia (Recent stories done for Southern Daily Echo (Hants), Western Daily Press (Bristol), and Eastern Daily Press (Norfolk).
John Wright"
If anyone would like to contact John please use the email address tasmanianteddies@mail.com Do Not Reply to the Group
This Month Top Awards
Attocities - Cover Up
Capt. Pitt
Comfort Women
Fepow Group Latest
Pulau Brani
Researching POWs
Thanks To All
Treatment of Coloured Men
Unit 731
War Crimes Trials
Web Sites
Colonel Wild (Continued July 2002)
Hong Kong (Continued May 2002)
Thailand - Burma Railway (Continued April 2002)
Search Box
The Monthly Revue now covers over 150 pages, a search box has been added to help search for a topic.
This search can also be directed at the Fepow Community or London Gazette, selecting one of these limits the topic searched to that particular area of the site.
Sharing Information
Sharing information with others is rewarding in itself, the pieces from the jigsaw start to fit together and a picture begins to appear. Improve your knowledge and help make the Fepow Story an everlasting memorial to their memory.
The questions and answers from the emails sent in and the Message Board will be collated, any Leggies, including pictures or further information please send to:
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