Web Sites - May

Web Sites

      Robin - There was an international conference in Singapore in February to mark the 60th anniversary of the fall of the city.

      It will probably be a while before the academic papers are published, but ABC News (Australian Broadcasting) was there and produced a full edition documentary on its Four Corners show (equivalent of US_Frontline UK_Panorama Canada_fifth estate)

      They also produced an excellent website


      with interviews, video, transcript of the show and some of the academic papers (in the Viewpoint section)

      Ron - Various sites I would reccommend

      Summer Will Come Again Author John Lane

      This book and site recalls POW life as slave labour on the docks of Kobe, Japan and the trauma of surviving months of American air raids. With the Japanese surrender, John Lane procured a camera and made a unique visual record of those turbulent weeks of freedom before arriving at Sydney on the carrier H.M.S Formidable.

      I enjoyed this site and the part about the Lisbon Maru had more some extra information.

      Changi Murals by Peter W.Stubbs

      The Changi Murals, wall paintings with a Christian theme, were painted between 1942 and 1943 by a British Prisoner of War, Bombardier Stanley Warren, of 15 Field Regiment, Royal Regiment of Artillery.

      Looking up ALFSEA I came across

      Japanese Occupation by HAYASHI Hirofumi Dr

      HAYASHI, Hirofumi (Dr.) is a professor at Kanto-Gakuin University. He has been conducting research on the Japanese occupation of Southeast Asia and Japanese war crimes and war crimes trials including comfort women. He has also been the Research Director and Vice-Chief Editor of the JWRC since 1993. His main publications in recent years are Sabakareta Senso Hanzai [Tried War Crimes: British War Crimes Trials of Japanese] (Iwanami Shoten, 1998), Nihongun Ianfu [Japanese Military Comfort Women] (co-editor) (Outsuki Shoten, 1995), and Ianfu, Senji Seiboryoku no Jittai: Chugoku, Tonan-Ajia, Taiheiyo Hen [The Actual State of Comfort Women and Wartime Sexual Violence:
      China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific] (Ryokufu Shuppan, 2000).

      On searching the web came across this site on the Pakan Baroe - Death railway.

      Pakan Baroe Death Railway by Stella
      The forgotten Death Railway through the jungle on Sumatra, built by Japanese Prisoners Of War and Indonesian Slave Labourers.

      Pleased to see you found it Eddie, as your name was in the guest book.

      I have added it to the Useful Links and The Rising Sun.

      Don Clark - >Ron,You've perhaps seen this one?

      Center For Research, Allied POWs Under The Japanese Roger Mansell’s fine site. Includes a Mitsushima Camp liberation roll





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