The idea of this Monthly Revue is a direct result of an email from Sandra, why not collate some of the information. After a set back I work better, so thinking positively, why not, if it helps the Fepow Story.
This is not Ron’s Page but a collection of messages either from the Fepow Message Board or the Fepow List, it is a revue on the last month.
Each month an award will be made for the top site and article with information on the Far East during WW2, in appreciation of information shared.
A Site Plan has now been added to find a topic easier, it is available from the main menu on the left as the last selection. Also a Subject Index is now available from this page.
Further help is in the form of a search for a topic, this search has been added with the ability to search one particular area of the three sites concerned or the web in general.
Each page of the Monthly Revue contains a Feedback Form, please use these forms to ask for or supply information, this all helps the jigsaw. The feedback form detail will be added to the Monthly Revue pages as soon as possible.
Hope you enjoy it, any feedback would be appreciated.